Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Halow,You won $200,000!"

Please,please,please don't believe this sentence!!!Don't even take a second to think it.Its just another scam to let u part with ur hard-earned money.Don't believe it regardless how big is the amount they say to u.Once you believe it, they will proceed to tell u that bcos of the large amount,u will haf to pay 20% of it as their country's taxes.I thk mostly they will ask u to transfer the $ using Western Union (cos it can be hard to track the receiver).Then once they gt the $,they will say they will go ahead and proceed it.BUT when they say you are not a member of this company or watsoever,they will just ask u to sign as a temporary member of a payment of $10,000 or more.Then when you say u dun haf the $,they will start to get nasty like "I dont care ware you get the money" or they will just ask you whether u still wan or dun wan.If dun wan,they will just refer back that you reject the prize money.

And they got nothing to lose cos ur money is already in their pockets!!!and u?left with a phone bill that may amount up to $100 plus or more (depends ware u call) and ur money gone.You will never get back the $ you transferred over and you will haf to earn back the $ bit by bit again.

Don't believe the scammer easily,if you get such calls,make sure you check with the caller as in what lucky draw is that,how did they get ur number.(sometimes like tat).Be More Alert!!

Listen/Consult to ur husband,best friends or whoever that u are close with first before you even transfer the $ over.They are the ones who care and know how to advise you.Of cos,they will start to say negative stuffs as in "it is a scam","dun send the $".And they are right.If you are thinking as in "i transfer $5000,and i will get $165,000 is very worth it" then YOU ARE VERY VERY WRONG.That will never happen.It will only be you send the $5000 over and you get nothing back.

If you still sit down and think it over,question urself are u REALI so lucky?

Just go buy from ur local lottery centres and u will see how silm the chances of winning just the consoluation prize.And u believe the caller's words?

Don't Don't,seriously DON'T believe a word no matter how 'sweet' stuffs that is coming out of the caller's mouth!!

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