Saturday, December 20, 2014

Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson, M.D

20th December 2014, Sunday

Cover Page
It's been so long since i last touched on this blog. Today, i want to introduce to you all on a very inspiring book by Spencer Johnson, M.D. He is also the author of the best selling book "Who moved my cheese?". This book was lent to me from my friend, which got me really excited when i first completed reading the book. It is written on a story-based from a young guy, so it doesn't get one too bored. Anyway, what's there to loss for reading a story book? And you can get a lot of deals from the story if you are able to....or you don't..hahaha

The story started with an introduction on a guy called Michael Brown went to a cafe to meet a friend whom he was introduced and was told that this new friend could help him out. He had heard that the new friend had been through many difficult and hard times and so he was expecting to see a negative and down person. But when the new friend (named Ann Carr) introduced herself to him, he was surprised to see a very positive and cheerful lady, one doesn't look like have going through very difficult times. She told him she was once in a very bad position until she heard a story from a respectful person from her work. That story made her to change how she sees things in any situations. And she agreed to tell him the story if he was to pass the same story to another person who needs help if he finds the story useful to him. Michael wasn't that keen to hear the story at first as he himself was facing a bad time currently. But he still told Ann that he will listen to the story after she told him he got nothing to lose for hearing a story.

And the story is called Peaks and Valleys. And the story begins from a young man who has always live in the valley and is very happy until he suddenly feels that the peaks will be a better place to live. And he started to see the bad things living in the valley, his career was not going smoothly too. The more he sees the peaks from the valley, the more he wants to go up to the peak and he got very very unhappy and not in peace to himself. Until one day he really cannot take it anymore, he set off to the peak despite all the objections from his family and friends. He did manage to reach the peak after walking the rough paths and at one point the trail even was lost. And the first thing he was unhappy about was that he had missed the sunset. Suddenly, he heard a voice asking him what did he missed...he got startled but saw a old man. He didn't know that time that old man was actually one of the most successful person. He thought he was just an old friendly man, the old man told him to look up on the sky. There were many stars in the sky, and the old man said to him, he was so concerned to seeing the sunset that he didn't even realized the stars in the sky or don't even celebrate that he made it to the top. Then he chatted with him, telling him how he had been unhappy in the valley and how bad was his jobs. He thought the old man was happy living on the peak, and not like him staying in the valley and he got very upset on it too. So the old man told him a story called Peaks and Valleys, Approach through Good Times and Bad Times, which the old man had learned from another successful man and this approach had helped him to be successful and at peace with himself......
Read more to learn whether this approach is able to help the lost young man and Michael Brown......hehehe....

In the story, peaks mean the good times in life and valleys mean the bad times in life. So this book teaches how you can see the good hidden inside a valley when you are having a bad time....and how to get out from a valley fast and how to have more peaks and fewer valleys and how to make reality as your friend....There are also short short phases for you to remember to help you in life.....Below are some short phases which are in the book:

1. Peaks and Valleys are not just the good and bad times that happen to you.
They are also how you feel inside and respond to outside events.

2. Peaks and Valleys are connected.
The errors you make in Today's good times create Tomorrow's bad times.
The wise things you do in Today's bad times create Tomorrow's good times.

3. You change your valley into a peak
When you find and use the good
That is hidden in the bad time.

But of course, it is still up to you whether how you still want to see things in a positive way or negative way. If you are always a negative person, this book will be good for you to start having a different thinking...So start reading.... :)